Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bibical Quotes About Retirement What Is Hell And How Do We Know About It?

What is hell and how do we know about it? - bibical quotes about retirement

Only answer if you have an appointment or bibical facts, thank you


Ben the Hat said...

This is an incorrect translation of Shiloh, the word for the grave

Lightning From the East said...

Hell is one of those topics that makes people uncomfortable. We have heard that hell is a place of fire, demons, and endless torment In the course of history many authors wrote about him - Dante's Inferno, for example. Western culture is very familiar with the concept. Even Hollywood has been the subject of numerous films. Whatever the context, regardless of belief, hell is certainly taught in the Bible. But the doctrine of hell is not without controversy. Some say it's only fall unconscious to the ground. Others say it is a place of correction and punishment, not eternal. Others say it is a punishment unending torment in the fire. In any case, is hell, the complete lack of grace.

KAREN M said...

Hell is a concept of separation from God and not in a position to join him. Dante and have had a different idea of the hell that contribute to broad concept and the use of religion to control people. If you believe on the day of the study, then no one will go to heaven or hell until then. In view of hell is a place where Satan lives - then, as God is merciful and good, then it must be in cohorts with Satan to get there - and God forgives sins and know the truth of his heart and he is in heaven. This is a very deep soul (lol), an issue that the current perception of what happens after death - who live in cemeteries, etc. included, while the pre-trial detention and the ideas of balance - to hell. When the sky has to be balanced then annoys you think this form of separation from God and go talk to a priest.

KAREN M said...

Hell is a concept of separation from God and not in a position to join him. Dante and have had a different idea of the hell that contribute to broad concept and the use of religion to control people. If you believe on the day of the study, then no one will go to heaven or hell until then. In view of hell is a place where Satan lives - then, as God is merciful and good, then it must be in cohorts with Satan to get there - and God forgives sins and know the truth of his heart and he is in heaven. This is a very deep soul (lol), an issue that the current perception of what happens after death - who live in cemeteries, etc. included, while the pre-trial detention and the ideas of balance - to hell. When the sky has to be balanced then annoys you think this form of separation from God and go talk to a priest.

KAREN M said...

Hell is a concept of separation from God and not in a position to join him. Dante and have had a different idea of the hell that contribute to broad concept and the use of religion to control people. If you believe on the day of the study, then no one will go to heaven or hell until then. In view of hell is a place where Satan lives - then, as God is merciful and good, then it must be in cohorts with Satan to get there - and God forgives sins and know the truth of his heart and he is in heaven. This is a very deep soul (lol), an issue that the current perception of what happens after death - who live in cemeteries, etc. included, while the pre-trial detention and the ideas of balance - to hell. When the sky has to be balanced then annoys you think this form of separation from God and go talk to a priest.

ManoGod said...

The Hebrew and Greek words translated "hell" in the Bible really means "gravedom. In other words, the state of the dead. It gives us the idea of hell on earth because people buried their dead on the floor.

We have our idea of a fire of hell, a false statement to the publication of the book and the lake of fire. "Dante is one of the biggest names in this misconception.

The lake of fire in the Book of Revelation is the second death and the cleansing of evil. Fire purifies. Lake of Fire is a symbol of the fire of hell, which included Israel in the Old Testament. The fires of hell are for human sacrifices were thrown in which men, women and especially children living used in the flames.

Israel said to keep the trees alive by God and was used to burn garbage. Therefore, symbolically burning the fire in the Book of Revelation the garbage.

Thus, hell is a hole in the ground. It is the state of being dead is no place at all.

ManoGod said...

The Hebrew and Greek words translated "hell" in the Bible really means "gravedom. In other words, the state of the dead. It gives us the idea of hell on earth because people buried their dead on the floor.

We have our idea of a fire of hell, a false statement to the publication of the book and the lake of fire. "Dante is one of the biggest names in this misconception.

The lake of fire in the Book of Revelation is the second death and the cleansing of evil. Fire purifies. Lake of Fire is a symbol of the fire of hell, which included Israel in the Old Testament. The fires of hell are for human sacrifices were thrown in which men, women and especially children living used in the flames.

Israel said to keep the trees alive by God and was used to burn garbage. Therefore, symbolically burning the fire in the Book of Revelation the garbage.

Thus, hell is a hole in the ground. It is the state of being dead is no place at all.

eternal_... said...

Baby, do yourself a favor and find a Bible online if you want the biblical references to hell.

The traditional image of hell, which he invented, and by the church as soon as you committed the industrialized countries, I sometimes get in the middle ages - the lake of fire and demons with pitchforks and such.

For Gnositics is hell on earth and is our "goal" (so to speak) to encourage and promote this "hell", the physical universe, and move to higher planes of existence.

I emailed back. Please be more specific in your response.

- The Eternal Satyr

Leonard said...

The Bible gives us many different views about what the hell.

In the Old Testament, there was no legal department in the afterlife. The dead were simply dead. The word is usually good as "hell" or translated "hell" or "Realm of the Dead," "ie" Sheol can be interpreted as "difficult" (ball of fire, it goes on).
Job complains that "The dead do not praise God," which means, at least he did not believe in heaven, and in fact, his book ends with his death.
Even the author of Ecclesiastes.
When Korah and Dathan Abiram to offend God opens the earth and "alive down into the realm of the dead" ... but in my humble opinion, this should be read as "He fell into the ditch, still alive."

In the New Testament refers to Jesus, but always life after death - especially life after death by people who do not care that other tormented.
In the parable of the rich and the poor who are rich, in a flame selfish spoiled after death. But there is aParabola do not know, as we consider this letter.
So when Jesus warned against the temptation, he has repeated on many occasions that it was better to completely remove bodyparts to be thrown into the flames of hell. It could Gehenna or hell as a metaphor for hell, or the Valley of Hinnom was a valley used in the vicinity of Jerusalem, where people dump their waste and burn it (before long, also called Tophet, a place of human sacrifice ). Jesus really would have meant that people were not into temptation "would be thrown in the garbage."
Burn in the apocalypse, so do not talk of a lake of fire and brimstone, where the devil, the beast (commonly called the Antichrist) and the false prophet "are" tormented forever and ever, and all that is unworthy of Sky to be thrown. "This is the second death." There is no mention of them afterwards, which means that they are destroyed.

"It is a literal lake of fire. The place where Satan."

Not yet, according to the Bible.

ROBERT P said...

Order in mortal sin without repentance and accepting God's merciful love, the remaining funds from him for ever separated from our own free choice. This state of definitive self from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell".

Jesus often spoke of "hell" of "everlasting fire" for the people at the end of his life he kept refusing to believe and be converted, if the soul and the body may be lost. Jesus announces he will send his angels, and collected all the bad ....... and throw them into the fiery furnace. and pronounce the sentence "from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire."

The teachings of the Church confirmed the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who in mortal sin in hell where they suffer the torments of hell to die descent, "the eternal fire." The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God in which man can make life and happiness have been created for itTed and aspirants.

Bianca said...

It is a literal lake of fire. The place where Satan is. You can search the compliance of the Bible and there are many verses, with references to hell with him.

♥♥ ♀~Chris~♂ ♥♥ said...

Life is hell, we know because we live it every day.
Not to worry, my friend.

Susan said...

Who can speak with the authority of hell? Only Jesus. Read the Bible

2. I read a book Kathyrin Baxter "Hell is real" - is a vision that God

Susan said...

Who can speak with the authority of hell? Only Jesus. Read the Bible

2. I read a book Kathyrin Baxter "Hell is real" - is a vision that God

Eiphureo... said...

There's nothing like a biblical event is a book for children.

I am with the first, we in hell .. than reality.

Richard™ said...

An imaginary place of torture. We know about the Bible.

Richard™ said...

An imaginary place of torture. We know about the Bible.

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