Tips and/or recipes for cooking with convection microwave? - recipes for ge profile convection/microwave
We get a profile in a convection oven GE for our new kitchen instead of a regular series. I never have a microwave convection oven, if tips or recipes would be appreciated. I use mainly for cooking (cakes, biscuits, cakes, etc.), toast (chicken), heat and Browning / Tan. Any information is greatly appreciated!
Katharine - congratulations! Please visit for recipe ideas.
Thanks, Megan
Here are some tips:
In most cases, where the temperature convection oven bake at 50 degrees and how it will be reduced in the rule.
The exception to this rule when the cooking time is 13 minutes or less. The temperature in May is the same as a regular oven. It seems to me that cookies are done, suggested a minute or less at the base of the cooking time. The best of convection cooking is that the radiation can be very together and I'm even cooking. I bake cookies for the three networks at a time. One at the plate, then a will in each of the two networks are proliferating.
For much of my convection oven with the disposable aluminum pans. I especially like the pan pizza. They fit perfectly. For instead of a cake pan 13 x 9 x 2, I have two or three square meals of bread pans. Since everyone can cook, while he does nothing.
For large baked potatoes with just a little time to bake, microwave, two potatoes, I (or more if a company) for 3-4 minutes. Then Knollr outside the potatoes and lay them on a piece of foil. Sprinkle salt on the potatoes and place the leaves and potatoes in the dish. Adjust the convection oven to 325 degrees and bake 15 minutes. It's like they were one hours in an oven for cooking.
Do not use aluminum foil or metal containers, if micro-wave, but when convection cooking all kinds of shells well.
Be careful when micro-waved immediately after baking in the oven. The chassis plate and the walls are very hot and can melt some microwave dishes. Sometimes, bake, then some want any leftover vegetables with the same microwave oven on the site must be warmed up. For this purpose, to use the courts or courts, which I microwave a towel or pot holder on the plate.
Have no fear about trying the roast probe. It was perfectly cooked. What a surprise.
If you try to food in the warming button again to warm up. It uses a sensor to detect when food is hot. Works like a charm most of the time, and no longer feed the heat.
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