Sunday, February 21, 2010

Phlegm In Lungs Baby I Coughed Up Something Hard, Resembles A Tooth?

I coughed up something hard, resembles a tooth? - phlegm in lungs baby

As I smoke my bowl in the morning, and I'm seriously drowning begins to cough and cough, and some a bit heavy for the unknown.
This is not a tooth, all my teeth are in order (I have about 5 times), but little resemblance to one, like a very small molar with one root. The size of two grains of rice, is the color of bones and teeth, which had a little blood in him, when for the first time
Now I know it comes from one of my teeth, I really think where they come from? My lungs? My heart is it? What is it? A piece of bone? A tooth that I have somewhere now? A piece of calcium in the lungs or heart? I am very worried!
I show pictures if you want, I think ..

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